Location and Directions
We invite you to visit the Norwell Public Library
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64 South Street
Norwell, MA 02061
Directions to 64 South St. Norwell, MA 02061
From the North:
Take Route 3 South to Exit 32 (Route 53/123 Hanover/Norwell).
Turn left onto Route 53 North.
Turn right at second set of lights onto Route 123.
Turn right onto South Street.
Turn right at entrance to Norwell High School.
Turn left at Library entrance.
From the South:
Take Route 3 North to Exit 32 (Route 53/123 Hanover/Norwell).
Turn right onto Route 53 North.
Turn right at first set of lights onto Route 123.
Turn right onto South Street.
Turn right at entrance to Norwell High School.
Turn left at Library entrance.